Love to Sparta? It’s a drug and addiction, the spouse tells Zedek

If you have not seen in years three matches with my own eyes, it’s too much. Home course Thursday night and arrived at El Madrigal stadium in Villarreal and cheered during the opening quarter-finals of the European League. “My wife has some bruises, her hands nervously cats,” said Bohumil Zidek.

Ms Blahoslava remind whisper: “My husband has three times finished in ICU. He has high pressure problems. ”

Football knows a lot of maniacs, but Zidko’s extra. Galant and hearty people who have met the countless Spartan generations. Each player and coach personally.
Rosice, Bohemia, Poborský, Lavička, Ščasný, Chovance.Also their parents, siblings, wives, lovers, children.

Since the summer of 1997, they have been drawing all the concentration, their contests even longer. They do not just have a bracelet, they know the junior and younger players in detail.

“What does it do to us? Everything. It’s our life. We do not have a family, we have Sparta. We need it, “says Bohumil. He has the lead word in narration. Only when Zdeněk Ščasný moves around will for a moment apologize to the coach: “You know, coaching is a science that has to take into account a lot of things and above factor X. We are just economists and football laymen.”

Football laymen who enthusiastically fumble into the craft for coaches and journalists.Earlier, Zidka wrote a thorough evaluation of players including marking, mapping their strengths, alerting the weaknesses after each match. Now they are looking forward to the record the second day after the game to check if they have seen everything right. “How many times do we really,” admits Mrs Blahoslava.

Mr. Křetínský, you have our admiration!

It’s fun to listen to their story. After all, two economics engineers are a post-war Spartan chronicler.With the club going through good and bad, they have never lost hope. “Even we have even more fun than ever before.”

They have only words of gratitude to the international secretary of Rudolf Baťa, they do not let club owner Daniel Křetínský, who once engaged in the mysteries of football, your family. “We can not imagine that we would be left without football and without Sparta.”

So, when no Spartan team is playing, they sit beside Zidka at the television and sweep the football at least from the screen. They have three, so it looks like a bit in the house in Čakovice at home.

“Sometimes we have to look out the window to know what the weather is all about,” Mr. Bohumil smiles.In recent weeks, Zidko – as well as the Sparta coaches – focused on the Spanish Villarreal and…”And we must say that his strength surprised us. When we’re a little afraid. ”

The words were heard shortly before the opening quarterfinals broke out. At that time, Bohumil Žídek said Sparta could win the European League to get a direct ticket to the Champions League, which is new. “Do you know what one of my old bosses told me when I presented him with economic concepts? Mr. Zidka, these are your mad sweets’ dreams. But sometimes my dream came out and I was rewarded for it. Now I have another dream of a mad confectioner with Sparta.Maybe it will come out. “